SPF – Sun Protection Factor

by Lucy Williams – Spa Massage specialist at Studio 8 Beauty.




Will it be Sun, Sea and Fun for you this year ?

Check out our quick guide to make sure that you have a safe time in the sun this summer.


Man applying SPF sun block to womans back


We all love a tan right, who doesn’t ?

But what looks better … the grape or the raisin ?


Sunburn can be so damaging to our skin, yet so many of us still don’t use an SPF all year round. This can be especially true when the sun comes out. Most would rather use a low SPF oil or worse still nothing, just to get a “better tan”

With the staggering amount of information available nowadays, it’s shocking how many people still aren’t sun savvy !

So here’s some helpful information on the products Dermalogica offer to help keep you safe while allowing and maintaining a sun kissed glowing tan.



What part of the sun causes damage to the sun ?


UVA and UVB rays are the culprits that cause damage to the skin. Unfortunately, there are still so many of us unaware that this damage can even happen through glass, for example, whilst driving. You can even be affected through clouds on a rainy day.

To see the extent that the sun can damage the skin, take a look at this 69 year old lorry driver, you’ll be surprised: https://hudabeauty.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-SPF/



Image of UV rays effexts on the skin and why you need SPF



Remember your A and B


So try this ….. think UV(A) ages your skin and UV(B) – burns your skin.

On a hot sunny day it’s the UV(B) we want to be mostly thinking about. It’s the burn that mainly causes skin cancer and sunspots.

UV(A) affects us all year round. This is because it penetrates deep into the base layer of our skin and has been proven to contribute to the initial development of skin cancer .

It’s UV(A) that ages us and causes wrinkles.




OK, So what about sunbeds ?



Sunbeds emit 12 times the dose of UVA RAYS that the SUN does. This makes users 2.5 times more likely to develop skin cancer. First time sun bed users especially those with younger skin, have a 75% higher risk of getting melanomas.




Should I keep out of the Sun then ?


No of course not. The sun can help provide you with vitamins such as Vitamin D, which help to keep your bones healthy and strong. So shutting yourself away from the sun can be detrimental to you.

Research has shown that 10 minutes exposure a day is sufficient to prevent illnesses such as rickets. However, it’s best to protect your skin from overexposure of the harmful rays. This will help prevent premature skin ageing and keep your skin free from dark spots and pigmentation.



Now that we have an idea of how dangerous the sun is, let’s look at some products to help protect our skin.




SPF Products to help protect your skin


There are many different products for each of our skin types that have SPF’s in them. There is something for everyone, so no excuses please 😉



For the more sensitive skin range our ultra calming products are:

    • Redness relief primer (SPF 20) – great for makeup base, calming and non-irritating.
    • Super sensitive shield (SPF 30) – protects against both A&B rays, guards against premature ageing and provides optimal hydration that protects and reinforces the skins barriers.
    • Ultra sensitive tint (SPF 30) – lightweight, reflects sun rays, protects against moisture loss, protects against premature ageing and is non-irritating



For All skin types:

    • Daily defence (SPF 15) – lightweight, non-greasy, no chalky residue, helps fight ingrown hairs and follicle congestion.
    • Protection 50 sport (SPF 50) – water resistant for up to 40 mins, lightweight, non-greasy, counteracts moisture loss, protects against prolonged skin damage and environmental assaults. Great for the sporty people.
    • Solar defence (SPF 50) – non chalky, provides invisible shield against skin damage and environmental assaults, improves skin smoothness, can be used alone or mixed into moisturiser, defends against anti-ageing.
    • Total eye care (SPF 15) – helps minimise dark circles, reduces puffiness, restores freshness to eye area, chemical free SPF to help prevent further damage caused by UV.



Premature skin our age smart range

    • Dynamic skin recover (SPF 50) – medium weight, regulates the formation of collagen, protects against MMPs (enzymes that break down protein & collagen in skin) provides long lasting hydration, enhances skins natural ability to fight ageing.
    • Skin perfect primer (SPF 30) – great makeup base, absorbs oil, fills in fine lines to smooth skin, conditions & treats the signs of ageing. Shields against UV rays, can be used alone or under sheer tint.



Break out prone skin

    • Oil free matte (SPF 30) – lightweight, matte finish, absorbs surface oil, oil free, and soothes inflammation




    • Pure light (SPF 50)- perfect for hyper pigmented skin and uneven skin tone. An advanced medium weight moisturiser that treats hyperpigmentation while shielding the skin from pigment inducing UV rays.



So there you have it, look after your skin as you only get one chance at it.



We offer a fantastic range of highly skilled and educated products to look after your skin through the summer.

For more information or for any advice on what’s best for your skin, please feel free to come and talk to one of our highly trained expert skin therapists or book in for a pro 60 facial to start your personal skin journey to better, brighter, fresher skin.




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To book your Face-mapping analysis or skin care treatment with a Dermalogica Skin Expert call us on 02392 380 692 or click here to go to our treatment booking portal where where you can book your treatment online.

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